const connectorNameKey = "connectorName"; const connectorIDParam = "connector_id"; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; function chooseConnector(connectorName) { let nextURL = new URL(window.location.href); nextURL.searchParams.append(connectorIDParam, connectorName); setState(STATE_IN_PROGRESS); window.location.href = nextURL; } // Clean the cache in case previous authentication didn't succeed // in order not to get stuck in a login loop function handleFailedState() { if (getState() !== STATE_SUCCESS) { localStorage.removeItem(connectorNameKey); } } // Add the connector name to local storage in case the auth succeeded // and the remember-me box was checked function handleSuccess(connectorName) { setState(STATE_SUCCESS); if (localStorage.getItem(rememberMeKey)) { localStorage.removeItem(rememberMeKey); localStorage.setItem(connectorNameKey, connectorName); } } function handleLoginPage() { handleFailedState(); let connectorName = localStorage.getItem(connectorNameKey); if (getState() === STATE_SUCCESS && connectorName != null) { chooseConnector(connectorName); } } function goBackToLogin() { let nextURL = new URL(window.location.href); nextURL.searchParams.delete(connectorIDParam); window.location.href = nextURL; } if (window.location.pathname === "/auth" && !urlParams.has(connectorIDParam)) { handleLoginPage(); }